Albert GEO


The content in Albert Geo is specially designed for children from the age of nine, where they can study geography in an educational and playful way - completely at their own pace! The app is available for both mobile and tablet.

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  • From 9–12 years

  • Advertisement free

  • Other languages

  • The entire world map

  • Study or play

  • App Store & Google Play

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Embark on a journey of discovery

In the app, the child can practice finding countries, rivers, mountains as well as monuments and other wonders on the world map. There is also additional information, for example, on each capital, region and population for each category.

Practice and then put your knowledge to the test

There are two different modes in the app: study or play. After the child calmly goes through each category at their own pace in the study mode, they can then choose game mode and challenge themselves against the clock.

Collect valuable knowledge

The app gives the child valuable knowledge about our planet's geography. Knowledge that can be used both at school and later in life.